Story of my life! My cat hates being loved on when I want to show it. But when she’s in the mood… and only when SHE’S in the mood do we get the humble pleasure of being allowed to scratch her. Ugh!
March 23 2014 at 04:03 AM
Daria aka deedl:
Oh yes! But then again, when they DO actually come for scratches and rubs — it feels so precious! :D
Story of my life! My cat hates being loved on when I want to show it. But when she’s in the mood… and only when SHE’S in the mood do we get the humble pleasure of being allowed to scratch her. Ugh!
March 23 2014 at 04:03 AM
Oh yes! But then again, when they DO actually come for scratches and rubs — it feels so precious! :D
March 23 2014 at 10:03 AM