Catsu The Cat

It's our long time favourite joke, that every time we leave for the night Dita is throwing a pyjama party for her friends.
I am sure this New Year's Eve was no exception and they had a blast :D

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Written by Daria aka deedl — January 01, 2015


Hee! Whenever I go out for the night, I tell my cats not to trash the place too badly with their partying and to clean up when they’re done. My large white guy, I tell him that if he has his buddies over to play poker, no cigars because it’s so difficult to get rid of the stench they leave behind. G

January 03 2015 at 03:01 AM

Daria aka deedl:

Haha, Cheryl, I am so happy we’re not alone with that joke. And in our household it never gets old :D

January 03 2015 at 03:01 PM

Amy Warfield:

Love your blog! Just went through all of the pages. Great stuff. Can so identify with most of it. Congrats on making 2 years!

January 04 2015 at 09:01 AM

Daria aka deedl:

Amy, thank you so so much! :3

January 05 2015 at 12:01 AM

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