Catsu The Cat

The one about Halloween

Approaching Halloween got me thinking what could be Dita's "monster" costume and I came up with 4 options: hair dryer, fireworks, our guests and anything involving water :D
What would your cats wear? 

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Written by Daria aka deedl — October 29, 2015

The one about territory

We have this empty room that Dita has claimed as her "introvert bubble" and our guests always get shocked by the fact that there's actually "cat's room" in the house. :)

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Written by Daria aka deedl — September 17, 2015

The one about manners

Caring about looking elegant and appropriate? No, not Dita's thing. 

As always, proofpic! Just random Dita sitting comfortably while shamelessly exposing, um... everything :3

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Written by Daria aka deedl — September 10, 2015

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